Jumat, 04 November 2011


This can be an exciting time watching aquarium fish diseases, and if there’s anything you can do to help. Even if measures are taken, most of these symptoms means that it is too late to save your fish.
Hard surface gasping for air
Goldfish Aquarium of the tank they go through the middle of lap swimming almost all his life, so that the fish come home to. The fish is probably a symptom of their bodies do not get enough oxygen from the surface to spend a lot of water in case of gulping. The aquarium, including stones, probably by reducing the amount of water or air, may have incentives to carry oxygen tanks. This may be possible ammonia poisoning or nitrite poisoning in the gills of fish in your aquarium does not work enough traction is a sign of disturbed or damaged. Therefore, the oxygen to the surface in order to drink fish. Fade or unusual in Hue
Fish color brightness of your pet’s health and welfare and has close links. If you look at the fish most likely to find that deteriorate the health of fish on a regular basis, you are a deep bright colors is a very important change in the color of dull uniformity can find tons of fish. Gold-colored classic aquarium fish, the golden color of gold can be a mixture of light pink. Reduction in the active color your pet is facing serious health problems and is a sign of a possible pass.
Reduce your intake of
Goldfish always eat everything and try to eat food that is made available ‘means that when there is the possibility of opportunistic feeders, have been. Therefore, the fish may be a sign that your pet is very sick is included in the feed tank. Even when presented with food, the patient will eat goldfish. For this reason, many drug is a drug for diseases such as aquarium food comes.
He lay motionless under
No, fish are unable to sleep. Accept the concept that the rest of the fish, goldfish are not candy, it will be possible to determine death. The goldfish is usually stagnant water, a tank containing a small amount of movement and part of the current motion to postpone. Of course, all of them, found lying at the bottom of the tank Goldfish. Aquarium fish a bicycle?
Fish tank aquarium is not achieved, then it dies. Harmful elements of the goldfish in a tank of waste can be recycled will be able to get rid of ammonia. Your pet’s life, possibly even at low volume, both per-threatening, ammonia or nitrite poisoning live.

Rabu, 02 November 2011


Orchids are undoubtedly the masters of evolution. With a million years under his belt, designed to live and grow in time. No wonder most orchid enthusiasts to compare people. Thousands of species around the world and live happily in almost all cases – Orchids, like people, diverse and flexible.
And like most people, there are all kinds of features and functions. Moreover, the growing diversity of plants and orchid hybrids every year more and more winemakers experiment. The discovery of new species of orchids, and even sometimes what has become a welcome transition.
What amazes me orchids to survive, have almost everywhere. And with the increase of technology, people everywhere, for everybody will find a way to access these services.
White orchids, and air “live” when the time of flowering. Beautiful flowers, leaving the cold, the system says.
In some parts of California and other tropical locations, as natural as some of the cold at a time, but sometimes it takes a month instead. So these plants are provided by farmers, often re-size refrigerator, begin to bloom.
Orchids in bloom as the flowers, all plant enthusiasts have a favorite. Time and effort (money), a new species of orchids, mini bring. Orchid Mini is more than six inches long and fits small boats are smaller versions of these plants. This new type of orchid that grows and takes less time to grow faster than the normal size.
How does this small group of orchid species is about 200-300 species. Most have white flowers. This small and compact and can grow with less water and artificial light.
Orchids, like people, have increased over time. More and more people show how race and trial. Live longer than normal flour, well maintained this year is acceptable. More orchid plants. They are friends and colleagues of the time.
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We’ve all been bombarded in recent years a steady stream of new technologies, smart phones, flat screens for computers and other devices that we have come to rely in our daily lives. However, people nowadays seem to think they are dealing with the latest technologies that are displayed. However, there is a new invention is being tested by astronauts on Atlantis, and not all users will probably be empty and buy. It is a device that filters urine and it becomes a sports drink.
If you’re like most people, you probably think: “Foo!” Who wants to drink urine, even if it is filtered? You’ve probably heard or read stories of unfortunate people who were trapped without water and are forced to drink their own urine, but it is not an option, most of us would like to think. Space program, but look to the future. Currently, human waste in space, or returned to earth to be destroyed or thrown in the air, where they are rapidly absorbed gas. The astronauts are hoping that the development of technologies to filter the urine into something you can drink will help solve the problems in the future, enough water to survive.
Currently astronauts try to fair treatment of dirty water. They want to know if the simple devices actually work in weightlessness. They do not drink the results. Existing systems for filtering water on the ship and the ISS needs electricity to operate, and electricity is not readily available in space. The new devices use advance the process of osmosis, the astronauts tested to ensure that the process really works. More research must be conducted to determine whether the effect of the water is potable, and if the production of liquid will be accepted.
It will probably take some time of our life on Earth will be forced to recycle urine into drinking water, but that the world continues to grow and resources continue to decline, it is not outside the realm of possibility that it will happen one day.
Looking for more information on filters, diatomaceous earth? Separmatic systems may all your wishes for wastewater, including diatom filters and portable water filtration.
Posted in science | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


It is interesting that we seem to have concluded that there is life on Mars billions of years ago. It also appears that organic matter on the moon, and shares the same material we have here on earth, with lots of metallic minerals right on the surface.
Recently there was a very good segment on the Science Channel, where all the planets of the solar system are discussed and considered in what life would be. One of the quotes was “follow the water”, which was a takeoff on the old police line “follow the money” if you catch a criminal. But what does it cost to get water on a planet, is very simple H2O, hydrogen and oxygen, and they usually combine.
When there is a presence of water, and the building blocks of life, which lands on a planet, it makes sense that life could be if the conditions are right to support life as we know or expect to be here on earth. Is it possible that life is like a world of evolutionary time is ripe? Is that perhaps life on a moon or planet looks like a relatively predictable points in its life cycle.
If a planet is to say, 12-15000000000 years at some point in the center is ready to support life. Life, the kind of life that we expect to find life that is based on the type of genetic material that we see on Earth. Therefore, it is perhaps a matter of life rather than the size or type in the world, although the atmosphere, oceans, or liquid from a planet an ideal gift for its life .
Okay, so if we expect to find life on a planet that we should consider his life and where he is, in this respect to its schedule of evolution. And when life is on the bonus point, which is still plenty of life will be found, and if the past first, we find life, but we’ll have to dig a little deeper to find, and we should not ‘t be surprised in this regard.
Posted in astronomy | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

typical gardening

I studied the personality types in recent months, including the MBTI (Myers Briggs Temperament Instrument) is a system of 16 different “types” as a result of the work of Carl Jung. Introverts focus on the internal process. Internally or simply have ratified. While extroverts are energized by the company and project groups of people to people and things.
After people find out what type they are, what we really attached to their character and not really understand the code letter to tell them of their class are not their core identity. To label yourself as an INTJ or ESFP puts you in a box, if you do not understand how species (including eight) to be used for the growth of self and adapt to the opposing personalities we encounter in our lives.
I can bring this concept of personality to explore how we, as gardeners on the nature and gardens. I would speculate that a typical gardening activity that is independent of the others do what is needed internally if we think of the garden, whether a plant, prune, or just see how things are done in the plant.
In the garden, can grow and develop through the features of the shadow of his personality grow. An analysis, logical person, rational thinking can be written soon in tears while experiencing something in the garden. The garden is a safe place to provide healing to take place. It is also a good place to contact with parts of his personality that was not going to share with the world. It is planted in almost any type of seed that can fit in your garden and enjoy the joy of not knowing what will sprout and flourish. Changing your mind is one thing. Changing your behavior is different and that is where change occurs in the experience of thinking always feel free. You are not a label based on the consideration of a personality test.
The saying, “Stop and smell the roses” focuses on a particular personality type. Some people have the ability to stop, but do not smell like roses. That’s where the creation and planting a garden comes in. If you resist the idea of ​​creating a garden, but I wanted one for a long time, you are limiting yourself.
Vulnerabilities in the preferences of one’s personality is responsible for their own behavior to a minimum. Why let something like creating a garden that simply express your thoughts? The most common objection is: “I have no green thumb.” I tell these people who are successful or not the plant grows, is the process of interaction with oneself as a growing experience.


To feel at home in a civilized society, we feel compelled to give gifts to their loved ones. Not only have we never fired a single person, if the need arises, always ensure that these gifts are considered to show that we care.
Think again if you expect candles and bath salts are cut. More than anything, it seems people a gift that is closer to the time it takes to get to market are in line and pay in the case of thought to prove.
Only those with the super power of a charitable gift giving, a new charitable gift for everyone on your list think. Several times a year becomes a social obligation to give. Problems these days are birthdays, Christmas and other holidays are all made by the Company to buy gifts. Might not be a surprise in the gift business as usual? The wholesale suppliers of fabric per side has all the materials you need to be creative. You have the choice of objects like a cozy blanket, a sweater or tea. A unique and loving is at your fingertips. With each gift that you make, the model can change the fabric by the yard. You may not know how many local resources to help you recover from the yard of fabric are wonderful.
Normally, adult education courses, which can be found at local community colleges or recreation centers, to give unknown skills such as learning to create a quilt or sew. Profit is one of the many resources of the Internet to make a decision. There are blogs and how-to Web sites that make people think they have full creative artist-teacher, he promised to be. YouTube and other video sites with practical guidelines for those of us who have completed without difficulty in learning visual instructions. Tons of a special type of designs can be discovered in the fuel suppliers wholesale. A design of Sleeping Beauty for aspiring niece Princess collection. The employee, printed shirts much you love the stripes are created.
Each year, every holiday, you can use the same blanket, a sweater or pencil comfortably on your gift list. All you have to do is buy a fabric is unique in the yard to look like another gift of all. He poured out on you!

pot with water

Many people buy expensive insecticides to suffer to prevent insects in their crops. So now I will help you reduce the cost of buying expensive brand commercial insecticides / pesticides. We’re a home insecticide / pesticides with herbs as we makabuhay (Tinospora rumphii boerl) and kakawate (Gliricidia sepium).
Makabuhay (Tinospora rumphii Boerl), composed of those assets, reduces the vine fever, kidney vetch, tonic, malaria and parasiticide insecticidal.Climbing reaching 40-10 meters. Fleshy stems, about 1 cm in diameter, with scattered protuberances. Leaves thin, ovate, 6-12 cm long and 7-12 cm wide, with the tip and heart-shaped base, smooth and shiny. Petiole up to 6 cm long. Clusters solitary or in pairs in the axils of leaves, light green, and short petioles. Fruit 8 mm long, in long clusters. Propagated by cuttings or seeds. Support to climb.
• Plant contains a bitter substance, Columbine (2.22%) and traces of an alkaloid and glucoside. It also contains an amorphous bitter principle, and traces of berberine picroretine.
• One study showed that the extract of a bitter alkaloid contained fly.
KAKAWATE (Gliricidia sepium) is located in the southern Philippines Tagalog areas, to leave the town during flowering in December and February and March. In some parts of the flower of pink flowers is so richly deserves comparison with the cherry blossoms do.
Components and properties
Phytochemical studies have shown that:
• Aformosin (isoflavanes one would have a capacity of anti-tumor) (isoflavanes), formononetin, gliricidin-6a, gliricidol medicarpin-9A (pterocarpan, have antifungal), 7.4 ‘-dihydroxy-3′ methoxyisoflavin, 2 “Oh methylsepiol, tannin and a trihydroxyflavonone.
• Tannins have potential as anti-diarrhea dysentery, antimutagenic, antioxidant, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, pesticide, and virucidal.
• From the heart wood were stigmastanol glucoside and 3 ‘, 4′-dihydroxy-trans-cinnamic octacosyl 2 with three other known constituents isolated.
* 50 sheets makabuhay
* 100 sheets KAKAWATE
* 10 ml of detergent
* 10 ml oil
* 20 pieces Siling LABUYO (Capsicum frutescens) – with the properties, digestion stimulant, rubefacient, gastric sialagogue, altering, antispasmodic, antipyretic, cleaning.
* Containers
* Knife
* Filter / Screen
* Cutting Board
* Kettle
Makabuhay first cut, and kakawate Siling labuyo into small pieces.
Second place in the pot with water, then boiled.
4th Add remaining ingredients.
6th place with a sprayer, you can try now.