Senin, 01 Agustus 2011


When it comes to writing a tender bids for the contract, many organizations are very confident about selling your business, services or products, but companies often do not mention the cost of accuracy or appropriate support, and of course any supplier prudent to consider cost as an important element in the supply decision-making.
How to work at their own cost of commission per sale? The first step is to track all the processes involved in the contract, providers often miss the finer details and therefore miss important costs that, if the bid is successful it could mean that end up working at a loss. Do you have to face to face? Are the administrative costs involved in organizing these meetings? Should we pay for transportation to meetings? You should look at each step of the process and consider each step in this way. Ask questions about the most efficient and cost effective to achieve the goal. Once you have verified that the information you need to then assign a cost to each stage will depend on actions and resources of staff involved. Once you have established the total cost when taking into account an element of profit.
Whether you choose to add a percentage of total cost or a fixed amount, always make sure that the final budget is quoted in the original budget. Providers are more likely to offer contracts to those cited in the midrange of its budget, which specifies an upper and lower limits. The cost can only save the tender, so always consider this step of your presentation answer carefully.

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